Primary School

Morning Shift (8.00-13.20)
Lunch (13.25-14.30)
Late shift opcional (14.30-16.30)

Science and computer lab

Intensive English-International Accreditation Exams

Solidarity actions-education in values

Psychopedagogical Cabinet

Extracurricular sports and recreational workshops (optional)

School garden

At the primary level we work so that our graduates can


The curiosity for knowledge in its complexity

The collective construction of knowledge.

Critical thinking, research and communication.

value the exercise of freedom:

Respect for the dignity of all people.

Social and environmental behavior.

Active participation in a democratic society


Awareness of Universal Human values

The corporal, mental and emotional balance.

Confidence in the potential of individuals


Peaceful coexistence, based on dialogue, cooperation and flexibility.

The encounter with diversity.


The Primary Level has the purpose of promoting the integral formation of the / os
students in their intellectual, psychophysical and ethical and moral dimensions,
attending to the needs and particularities of each student assuming a
deep commitment to the task and the different actors of the Educational Community.

The basis of our Educational Project is built on five Force Ideas:

Work – Excellence – Responsibility – Respect – Love.

What enables us to carry out our mission?

  • The variety of teaching strategies that incorporate new technologies and allow problem solving based on questions, creativity, experimentation, inquiry and informed debate.
  • Personalized monitoring of students in academic aspects.
  • The conformation of heterogeneous groups and with variable configurations.
  • Institutional programs provide concrete experiences and challenges for the growing exercise of participation, solidarity, leadership and environmental awareness.
  • Systematic evaluation in internal and external instances.
  • Cooperation with national organizations.
  • The teaching of the English language, promoted in various institutional spaces.

General Proposals

  • Camps / coexistence
  • Traveling library – Literary trips
  • Didactic outputs.
  • Articulation with Initial Level and Medium Level.
  • Sponsorship project with the Initial Level.
  • Psychopedagogical monitoring and guidance.
  • Workshops for parents.
  • Meetings with the Educational Community.
  • ESI = We work transversally together with the families.
  • Initial interviews with each family.



For inquires please contact to

Directora: Prof. Alejandra Zanotti
Secretaria: Laura M. Coll


– © Complejo Educativo Nuevo Sol – 

Dr. Gregorio Aráoz Alfaro 373/442 (Altura Acoyte 200) – CABALLITO

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires   –   República Argentina   – (C.P. 1405)

Tel: 4903-4378 (Conmutador)  4528-4343 (Jardín)   4904-0772 (Primaria) 4901-0099 (N. Medio)

Translated by Google Translator