High School

Morning Shift (7.40-13.40 hs)​

Bachelor's degree in economics​

Degree program: N.E.S. (R.M. 321/15)

Intensive english and computing​

Optional: chinese language and workshops in the afternoon shift​

Educational proposal

  • Agreements with Universities.
  • Interdisciplinary works (articulation of knowledge).
  • Coordination of areas in charge of university level teachers.
  • Education in values
  • Service to the community: promotion of solidarity actions
  • Granting of Scholarships
  • Intensive English, separated by learning levels, with a higher workload than that corresponding to the Study Plan.
  • Applied computing, every year, in all areas
  • Physical Education: participation in intercollegiate meetings, tournaments and competitions
  • Camps
  • ESI (Comprehensive Sex Education)
    Study trips
  • ExpresArte ”Annual artistic exhibition of all our students of the level.
  • Institutional exhibitions open to the community

Primary-High School articulation

Primary-High School articulation in charge of High School level teachers to facilitate the insertion of students from 7th grade and contribute to discernment in the decision-making of the secondary modality to follow. During the primary level, it seeks to promote the transition from concrete thinking to formal thinking in mathematics and linguistics, as well as to stimulate the acquisition of attitudes and skills that are required at the intermediate level and gradually promote the change between the primary student role and secondary student role.

Resources and facilities

SUM: Multipurpose room with audio and video technology for school use. There are also conferences, workshops, etc.

Music / Plastic: Artistic language of choice in 1st. and 2nd. years

Digital classroom: our school incorporated technology into the classroom as a tool for consultation, collaboration and integration of curricular content in the various learning areas. Technology is used in a transversal way in the areas so as not to limit it to computer science classes in the traditional computer lab. The digital classroom consists of a netbook for each student, an integrated notebook for the teacher and networked with each netbook, a digital whiteboard for interactive use, digital pens, etc.


The High School of the "NUEVO SOL Educational Complex" has the fundamental purpose of promoting the training of students in their psychophysical dimension, paying special attention to the intellectual needs, professional projection and, above all, transcendent development of the personal being.

The Institutional Project promotes the integration of young people into culture as people who are aware of reality, its values ​​and its scientific and technical advances, capable of adopting a critical and committed stance in the face of that reality. For this, logical, technical and methodological procedures are developed that facilitate the achievement of a high abstract reasoning, and an effective capacity for critical reflection and problem solving. Everything is oriented towards a future in which they can articulate their studies at higher levels without difficulties and achieve a more efficient and effective integration in the labor field.

The projection aspirations are high, we hope to have among our graduates men of science, culture, businessmen or future leaders, to whom the specialty provides the necessary economic and management tools to apply them in any of these areas.

The economic system of modern society seeks competent and autonomous people, with the ability to resolve to meet the demands of the contemporary market in its various forms. The accelerated advance of a globalized vision of the world makes it essential to carry out changes in the way of producing and working within organizations and to promote dynamic communications to be willing to adapt to changes.

The applied curriculum emphasizes the fields of knowledge and doing associated with the Management and Administration of Organizations and Information Systems as a basis for decision-making. In it, content related to socio-economic and organizational processes is focused, deepened and contextualized to strengthen in students the capacity for understanding, participation and intervention and action in them. It includes the study of analytical and empirical economics and the study of Organizations in the socioeconomic environment, as areas of knowledge, way of reasoning and procedural work. Furthermore, the structure of the Plan favors the acquisition of a specific discourse and the use of computer tools as a more effective way of carrying it out.

The basic objective is that students value the free enterprise system, understand the economy and the business world, perceive the influence of communications and the media, and be participants in the extraordinary scientific and technological future that awaits us.


At the medium level we work so that our graduates can:


and acquire knowledge and develop skills to access higher education with ease.

Be prepared

to face the first job demands without difficulties.


the phenomenon of organizations from the study of the economy, administration, information, communications and the legal-regulatory framework.


the process of obtaining data and its transformation into useful information for decision-making.


the administrative procedures of the management.


methods of permanent self-education, covering the technological fields that must necessarily be known in today's world.

Work collaboratively

in a responsible citizenship in order to contribute positively to society.


and understand the information.

Take care

of themselves and their peers.

Take advantage of resources

on different media, including new information and communication technologies.


For inquiries please contact


Principal: Prof. Mirta S. Vázquez Soto
Secretary: Prof. Carolina Peralta


– © Complejo Educativo Nuevo Sol – 

Dr. Gregorio Aráoz Alfaro 373/442 (Altura Acoyte 200) – CABALLITO

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires   –   República Argentina   – (C.P. 1405)

Tel: 4903-4378 (Conmutador)  4528-4343 (Jardín)   4904-0772 (Primaria) 4901-0099 (N. Medio)

Translated by Google Translator