
Morning shift with the possibility of extension hours or full day​

Elective workshops, english and computing​


The purpose of this level is to guarantee the integral development of children from their earliest age: 45 days to 5 years

We are based on organized projects with recreational and routine activities, in charge of teachers who plan according to the curricular contents emanating from the Ministry of Education, the Institutional Ideology, the real evolutionary profile of each room and contemplate the inclusion of all the students. Students, assuming a deep commitment to the task and the different actors of the educational community.

At Pre-School we work so that our graduates acquire:


Become independent, autonomous and responsible boys and girls.


Be curious, inquire, seek information, explore, actively participate in every learning.


Puedan compartir con el otro un proyecto de juego, siendo compañeros, solidarios y comprometidos con el grupo y la tarea.

Ability to solve problems

Be able to solve problems according to their stage of development, jointly, in dialogue with the other.

Freedom of expression

They can choose, say what they think and want, being critical and reflective, respecting differences and promoting inclusion. They express themselves through affection, play, body language, verbal and gestures.

Maternal School
Rooms for Lactation, Walkers and two years
(R.I.E.A. R-257)

In the Maternal School, we stimulate the development of different areas: motor, emotional, cognitive and social from the valorization of the game.
We offer a space where boys and girls, through exploration, interaction with their peers and choices, can generate their own learning and favor early socialization.

From the two-year-old room, we started classes in Physical Education and Music Education in charge of special teachers.

Hours to be agreed: extended day from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Lunch service.

Kindergarten ( 3, 4, y 5 years)
(A-984)Incorporated to formal education

We are an open and comprehensive institution, we maintain a permanent exchange with the community and the family, we consider the boy and the girl in all aspects of their personality, encouraging them to be protagonists of their learning.

As a Kindergarten, we have a double purpose: TO SOCIALIZE AND LITERATE

Three-year rooms: in addition to the classes given by special teachers of Physical Education and Music Education, Workshops on Body Expression and Introduction to the English Language are incorporated, also by special Teachers, with specific training in that language.

Four-year classrooms: the aforementioned special subjects are kept and the Introduction to Computer Science classes begin.

Five-year rooms: it continues with the development of the special subjects of the Four-year Room and the articulation of contents and activities with the Primary Level is intensified.

Morning shift: 8.45 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. (Curricular schedule, mandatory)

Afternoon Shift: Optional Workshops.

Full day: 8:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Time extension: contemplates the possibility of pre-hour from 07:00 and post-hour until 18:00.

Lunch service

Afternoon Shift Workshops

The activities are developed with the modality of “Workshop”, with more open proposals and with work with others as the engine to produce.
At the beginning of the year, different options are proposed, which vary according to the possibilities and interests of the boys and girls: Crafts, Sciences, Cooking, Puppets, Art, Literature and traditional games, are some examples.

Swimming: optional activity, once a week.

Comprehensive Sex Education and the Kindergarten

We work cross-sectionally together with families on the contents of comprehensive sexual education, based on law 26,150 and on the curricular design for such purpose by the G.C.B.A.

General proposals
  • Initial interviews.
  • Start period.
  • Informative meetings for families / personal interviews.
  • Direct experiences.
  • Didactic outputs.
  • Open classes.
  • Pedagogical evolutionary reports.
  • Psychopedagogical monitoring and guidance.
  • Workshops for parents.
    Activities open to the community.
Winter and Summer Colony

Se desarrollan actividades recreativas con grupos organizados por edades, a cargo de los docentes del jardín.

Cerrada a la comunidad, solo para los alumnos de la institución.



For inquires please contact to

Pre-School Director: Prof. Alejandra Segvic
Afternoon Shift Coordinator : Prof. Virginia Brugnone


– © Complejo Educativo Nuevo Sol – 

Dr. Gregorio Aráoz Alfaro 373/442 (Altura Acoyte 200) – CABALLITO

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires   –   República Argentina   – (C.P. 1405)

Tel: 4903-4378 (Conmutador)  4528-4343 (Jardín)   4904-0772 (Primaria) 4901-0099 (N. Medio)

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